PROJECT STAR-GATE IS THE DESIGNATION OF THE OPERATION TO LINK A DOOR TO A PARALLEL UNIVERSE IN ORDER TO SAVE ALL SURVIVORS OF AN APOCALYPSE CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN SAID UNIVERSE AND TO FIGURE OUT THE CAUSE OF SAID APOCALYPSE. ARP507 AND A TEAM OF MARTYRS INTO THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE AND START RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS. (--SΟ)qwerqwetqreytqertwerqetertqwe UM WHAT DID I MISS? I WAS OUT DRINKING AND--Oh, wait! I remember! *ughs* I have a limited understanding of what has occurred, but I do get that many have died (from the gunshots, at least ;-;) and, from S.Omicron and “Shadow” (what a name! what parents! what depravity is going on there‽), that some fashion of a portal has been opened and that there's blood leaking from THAT door over there, to my left (or right, idk), mixed some suspicious-carnival-looking-things (again, dafu? memetic descriptions! *shakes fist*).
The yelling has subsided, somewhat. I've dared to the door a few times, met however with increased yelling and laughing (or both SIMULTANEOUSLY! *DRAMA*); this has lead me to correlate an effect with a cause, which, however inaccurate a result it may furnish, is useful in times like this, hm?
Well, I shall take a look-see for myself! Si je survis l'aventure, alors je te écrirai plus tard! --IΔ