Saturday, January 3, 2015

PRE #XX: PRE22 (The Smiling Man)

Designation: PRE22

Colloquial Terms: The Smiling Man, The Grinning Man, STALKER, Rosebud, Sisyphus, The Rapturous, Loverboy, The Lovers, The Suitor, The Gardener, Carrot Top, False Eyes, Rictus, The Dancer, Smiley, Mr. Smiles, Grinning Tom, The Dancer, The Lord of Laughter, The Magnolia Killer, Tantalus, Kilde, The Cheshire, Subject Sierra Mike, Ted Bundy, Mr. Brightside, The Snip Man, The Thistle Man, The Man in the Corner, Freak Designation Chi - SCARMIGLIONE, Timor Felix, The Delilah Stalker.

Physical Description: Appears as a man with wild red or orange hair. His face is often described as difficult to look at, as it does not seem to follow common geometrical laws. His smile is wider than his face and his eyes are so "impossible" that those who look at them directly often experience minor brain damage.

Behavioral Characteristics: While PRE22 seems to most commonly target young women, it is not unheard of for him to target individuals of different ages and genders. PRE22 usually announces his presence by leaving flowers for his targets and watching them from afar. Then, when they are alone, he abducts them. What happens after is unclear, as the few victims who resurface are often so traumatized by their experiences that they can't give a coherent account. PRE22 has also been observed to exhibit some control over flowers. He is often seen carrying sharp metal integuments such as a knife.

PRE22's domain is known as the Flower Fields.

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